


Asianumero: FINE-051374 (2022)

Asiaryhmä: Tilinkäyttö ja maksaminen

Ratkaisu annettu: 18.11.2022

Käsittelemättä jättäminen. Pankkisuhde. Ulkomaanmaksu. Maksunpalautus.

Decision to dismiss the dispute without examining its merits

Based on the Customer’s complaint, the above-mentioned dispute has been pending at FINE.

The Customer has made a bank transfer from his account in a Russian bank. The payment was sent via an intermediary bank to Elisa Oyj’s bank account in Finland. The Finnish Bank declined the bank transfer and has stated that they returned the money. The Customer states that he hasn’t received the refund. The Customer demands a compensation from the Finnish bank.

Regulation of FINE section 6 states the following:

“The Banking Complaints Board issues recommendations to resolve disputes related to the banking relationship, brought to the Complaints Board by the customer or the bank in question.”

The case concerns a payment made by the customer to Elisa Oyj’s bank account. The customer has initiated the bank transfer from his bank account in a Russian bank. The customer and the Finnish bank in question have not made any agreement in this matter.

The Banking Complaints Board considers that the customer doesn’t have a banking relationship with the Finnish bank and therefore the dispute in question does not fall within the Board’s competence.

For this reason, the Banking Complaints Board will not examine the dispute at hand.

The Banking Complaints Board

Chairman of the Board Sillanpää                                      
Presenting official Heino
